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      Sleep Apnea Treatment for Adults

      Breathe better, sleep better: Win against sleep apnea.

      What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

      Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA is a sleep disorder that is caused by a collapsing of the soft tissues at the back of the throat. Patients with sleep apnea can experience a range of symptoms, but most report feeling tired, groggy and fatigued much of the time. Sleep apnea can affect anyone, even children. Diagnosis and effective treatment can be both life-changing and life-saving.

      Sleep Apnea Treatment for Adults

      Common signs of sleep apnea include persistent daytime fatique and grogginess, snoring, episodes of waking up gasping for air, dry mouth upon waking, increased irritability, moodiness, and difficulty concentrating.

      What is Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome?

      Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome or UARS is a less recognized form of sleep disordered breathing. Patients tend to be younger and non-obese. The increased resistance to breathing during sleep causes fragmented sleep. Patients experience symptoms such as daytime lethargy and sleepiness.

      UARS causes the airway to be partially blocked by a collapse of soft tissue at the back of the mouth, and the flow of air may be minimized enough to cause arousal during sleep. There are often specific structural characteristics in patients with UARS, including a narrow palate at the back and an overjet in the bite.

      Dr. Tina, our Specialist Prosthodontist & Airway Dentist, analyzes the source of any airway obstructions after a thorough diagnostic process, which includes a home sleep test and a CBCT scan.

      Adult Dental Treatments for Sleep Apnea

      Oral Appliances

      These are custom-made mouthpieces worn during sleep to reposition the jaw and tongue, keeping the airway open. They provide an easy-to-use alternative to CPAP machines.

      Myofunctional Therapy

      This therapy focuses on retraining the muscles of the mouth and throat to function properly, improving breathing and reducing the risk of sleep apnea. The therapy involves exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, lips, and throat, ultimately improving overall oral posture.

      Tongue-ties Management

      Explore updated information on tongue-ties and their relationship to sleep-disordered breathing and sleep apnea.

      Collaboration with ENTs

      Dr. Tina works closely with ENTs to conduct drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) studies and determine the best treatment options for our patients.

      All types of sleep apnea have traditionally been treated with either CPAP or surgery. While both options are valid, the compliance rate for CPAP is very low, and many patients would prefer less invasive options than surgery.

      Dental treatments for obstructive sleep apnea can help reposition the tongue and jaw to improve the airway and reduce symptoms. Each patient is unique, and hence, treatment is tailored accordingly.