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      Tongue-tie Treatments

      Safe and painless and treatment.

      The tongue plays an important role in speech, swallow, sleep, and breathing and adequate tongue mobility is essential for optimal growth and development of the upper and lower jaws.

      What is a tongue-tie?

      Restrictive lingual frenulum, also known as ankylglossia or tongue-tie, is a condition where the tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth and can limit the mobility of the tongue. Tongue-ties can be found in the front (anterior) or back (posterior) of the tongue.

      Tongue-ties are graded based on the level of tongue restriction. It's important to note that diagnosis goes beyond a simple visual examination, as function is a key factor. Tongue-ties can have a genetic component and often go undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness among healthcare practitioners. Unfortunately, not all clinicians may not be familiar with the latest evidence-based protocols in the managemet of this condition.

      Tongue Tie Treatment
      Before 1 week healing

      Why do tongue-tie treatments matter?

      Tongue-ties affect the mobility of the tongue, leading to dysfunctional breathing and swallowing patterns. Over time, this weakness hinders the tongue from fulfilling its essential role in growth, development, and opening the upper airway during sleep. Consequently, this indirectly leads to issues such as crowded teeth, crossbites, teeth grinding (bruxism), and mouth breathing.

      Due to the restricted mobility of the tongue in tongue-tie conditions, the back of the tongue tends to assume a posterior and inferior position, potentially blocking the airway and leading to sleep-related issues. Patients with this condition often report symptoms such as snoring, difficulty sleeping on their backs, poor sleep quality, a forward head posture, anteriorly rolled shoulders, and other myofascial restrictions.

      What are the symptoms of tongue-ties in children?

      • Grinding teeth at night, snoring, or sleeping with the mouth open
      • Having no spacing in the baby teeth or a narrow upper arch with crowded teeth
      • Exhibiting slow or picky eating habits
      • Choking or gagging on liquids or foods
      • Restless sleep
      • Speaking softly (mumbling) or struggling to be understood

      What are the symptoms of tongue-ties in adults?

      • Teeth grinding or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) soreness
      • Snoring or experiencing reflux during sleep
      • Waking up tired after a full night's rest
      • Neck and shoulder pain, mobility issues, or forward head posture
      • A history of orthodontic treatment due to a narrow upper jaw

      How do we treat tongue-ties?

      Dr. Tina, our Specialist Prosthodontist & Airway Dentist, believes in a team approach for treating tongue-ties. Myofunctional therapy is necessary both before and after the release procedure to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. Without myofunctional therapy, inadequate releases are very common. In fact, sometimes scarring from a procedure can worsen the situation when myofunctional therapy is not used.

      We follow a multidisciplinary protocol for functional frenuloplasty, which incorporates myofunctional therapy (and occasionally craniosacral therapy) before, during, and after surgery. Our technique emphasizes precision, releasing the appropriate extent of tissues to maximize relief—neither too much nor too little.

      How do we perform frenuloplasty: with laser or scissors?

      At SameDay Dental Implants, treatment success is based on our ability to provide a complete and effective release of tethered oral tissues. This is achieved with a combination of laser and scissors. Sutures are always placed at the end.

      Remember: It is the provider's skill that matters, not the tool they use.

      Dr. Tina Rokadia

      BDS, CAGS, MSD
      Specialist Prosthodontist

      Dr. Tina Rokadia has received special training from The Breathe Institute in Los Angeles on the diagnosis and treatment of tongue-ties, lip-ties, and other tethered oral tissues.